Are Emojis Ruining the English Language?

Are emojis ruining the English language? Smiley FacesIt’s World Emoji Day on 17th July! Although smiley faces are common features of text messages and Twitter exchanges, over a third of adults believe that emojis are ruining the English language. New research suggests that emojis could be responsible for the deterioration of English and presumably of other languages, as people turn to pictures instead of words. But is the English language really in decline – and are emojis to blame? Continue reading

Italians Resist an English Language Invasion

Italy flag - Italians Resist an English Language InvasionThe Times has reported that the English language is currently a worry to Italian linguists. It seems that the Italian language guardians at Accademia della Crusca are concerned that an influx of English words is corrupting the beauty of the Italian language.

The academy is looking for ways to put a stop to the Anglo-Saxon influence and will hold an emergency meeting about the matter today. We explore the recent news story and examine how the English language has influenced Italian – and in turn, how the Italian language has influenced English. Continue reading

False Friends and Borrowed Words: One Big Linguistic Family!

The English language seems to crop up everywhere. Whether you are reading a German newspaper, a Spanish book or watching French TV, English words tend to stick out a mile to our eyes and ears. Weekend, networking, podcast, hot dog, CD, parking, PC, picnic, sandwich, camping – all these words and many more are peppered throughout non-English languages. But is it a good thing that English words are used so widely in other languages? Continue reading